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Image by Ubaidhulla Adam


What will it be like?

There are lots of kinds of counselling/therapy, but the one that appeals to me the most is called 'person-centred'. It starts with a view of the world that says humans are fundamentally 'good', and that the actions we take represent our best attempt at playing the hand in life that we are given.


Sometimes life isn't kind - our childhoods affect us, illness and disappointment can happen to us, we have to face loss and grief. There can be so many influences on us that we lose touch with who we really are, and how to find a way back to that person. 

Humans look for ways to feel better - drink, drugs, self-harm or just plain denying it seem to make sense at first! Over time though these ways of coping can turn against us and make things worse.  


Person-centred therapy helps you find the path back to you. It stresses that the best expert on you isn't me; it's you! My aim is to help you move forward in life firstly by listening and understanding where you are now. I might reflect back to you about how I react to what you tell me, and while I may encourage you to look carefully at yourself, I won't be criticising or judging you. 

Being safely able to say the things you can't say anywhere else can lead you to to see things in new ways, and find new solutions if you need them. 


This kind of therapy can be challenging - you can't really hide from yourself, but it can also be safe: we only go at the pace you feel comfortable with, and you can't 'fail' at it (unlike some other sorts of therapy where there are rules about homework and activities). 



Counselling: About Me
Sand Storm

About Me

My background is in the professional world - many of my clients are accountants, lawyers, teachers for example who need a place to talk in confidence about the pressures of their lives. I have been a volunteer with the legal profession charity 'Lawcare' for over ten years, and this sparked an interest in how to best support people in difficult times.


I have been working as a therapist since 2017, and as part of the training I have volunteered in a number of counselling agencies in the East Midlands, particularly those that support survivors of childhood trauma. Modern thinking on childhood trauma (or 'complex PTSD') is a developing area as we learn more about our brains, and I am fascinated by how inventive and resilient humans can be even when faced with a difficult start in  life. 


I work by helping people identify and achieve their personal goals, and finding ways to overcome the issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, and depression. I take great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and look forward to helping you. Get in touch or book an initial consultation to learn more.

Counselling: About
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